Tracking of Higher Education graduates in Europe involves the collection and analysis of data, carried out by both central European bodies and domestic bodies in each country. The primary objective is to establish a connection between higher education programs and the labour market, provide recommendations for policy-making to reduce unemployment, and enhance the quality and relevance of education to meet the actual needs of the labour market. The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) plays a role in the process of tracking graduates in Europe.
Within the framework of the European Graduate tracking strategy, actions have been and continue to be carried out to monitor graduates' progress in the labour market. The European Graduate Tracking Initiative (EGTI), for example, is a set of such actions. In addition, many countries in Europe have established National Higher Education graduate tracking initiatives to monitor employment outcomes based on education levels. These initiatives aim to collect data on graduates' employment status, career paths, salary growth, and other relevant factors.
Eurograduate initiative also belongs to the European Higher Education graduate tracking initiatives. Within the framework of Eurograduate project collected data to examine the career development and progress of graduates from specific academic years, typically within one to five years after graduation. This information is valuable for understanding graduates' integration into the labour market or their pursuit of further studies and training.
It is important to note that specific bodies and initiatives regarding graduate tracking may vary among European countries. Nevertheless, cooperation among all relevant bodies facilitates the collection and analysis of data on higher education graduates across Europe, with the goal of improving the quality of higher education and increasing employment opportunities.