One of the development programs (NSRF) promoted by the Ministry of Development and Investments through the European Social Funds (ESF) is the operational program titled "Human Resources Development, Education, and Lifelong Learning," co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), bearing the title "Higher Education Career Offices." This project involves the participation of both the country's universities and HAHE. This initiative covers the period from 2020 to 2023.
The action to support career offices of the country’s universities consists of two sub-actions:
Sub-Action 1: career offices
In the context of this sub-action, the career offices are expected to:
- be staffed with specialized, in their subjects, human resources,
- operate information systems to enable the systematic measurement, monitoring and evaluation of their activities and to support their strategic and programmatic objectives,
- organize and standardize their activities and provision of services.
For this standardization, and in cooperation with HAHE, uniform systems and tools for recording, monitoring and evaluating the following activities are to be developed:
- graduate tracking, according to the standards developed by HAHE and in cooperation with it. In the framework of the system, the students 'and graduates' profiles of each HEI and their educational and working course will be individually recorded, in order to reflect the acquisition of knowledge, abilities or skills at given intervals. The aim is to measure employability and employment, mainly of university graduates, at regular intervals
- provision of advisory services to target groups:
- students,
- seniors,
- alumni,
- alumni associations,
- enterprises and
- professional bodies and Chambers,
- elaboration of periodic studies and / or field surveys (surveys, focus groups) regarding the employment conditions of graduates and for the documentation of the evaluation of the learning outcomes of the curricula, using common questionnaires and methodologies, in the standards developed by HAHE, in order to have institutional and national added value, and
- development of publicity and Information actions for stakeholders.
Sub-Action 2: horizontal / Central Career Office action
The object of the horizontal sub-action is the creation and operation of the network of career offices of universities, the exchange of know-how and good practices. The main core of the network will be the development and installation of a single Information System by HAHE and its connection with the existing Information Systems of the offices as well as the use of the rights (licenses) of each Career Office. Based on the standards of HAHE, within the framework of the horizontal action, a uniform methodology and tools will be developed for the collection and processing of data of the graduate Tracking mechanism, methodologies for conducting studies and surveys for:
- the progress of graduates in the labour market,
- investigating the needs of businesses,
- evaluation of the learning outcomes of the curricula, etc.
Within the framework of the horizontal action, cooperation with the National Institute of Labour and Human Resources of the Ministry of Labour will be promoted in order to achieve the supply of the labour market needs Diagnosis Mechanism with the necessary data concerning higher education.