Αριστείδου 1 & Ευριπίδου 2, 10559 Αθήνα

EUROGRADUATE 2022 is the second phase of this pilot research and has as study years the academic years 2016-17 and 2020-21. The research is conducted by an international consortium of European organizations under the Coordination of the German Centre for Higher Education Research on Science Studies (DZHW). The other organizations are the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), the Research Centre for Education and the Labour market (ROA) and the international body cApStAn, responsible for linguistic quality control.

The participating countries in this initiative are Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Italy, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia.

The responsible entity for conducting this specific research for Greece is HAHE in collaboration with Greek universities. Within the EUROGRADUATE 2022 framework, HAHE has undertaken a series of actions in accordance with the guidelines of the EUROGRADUATE consortium. It is responsible for coordinating and ensuring the proper execution of all individual actions by higher education institutions, with the goal of conducting the research in a timely and accurate manner, ultimately leading to the extraction of valid results.

EUROGRADUATE 2022 Newsletter