Αριστείδου 1 & Ευριπίδου 2, 10559 Αθήνα

Graduate tracking refers to the process of monitoring and evaluating the career development of individuals who have completed higher education, typically at undergraduate or postgraduate level. This process involves the collection and analysis of data on graduates ' employment status, the positions they hold, their salaries, further educational pursuits, and other relevant metrics, and the utilization of these results.

The process of tracking graduates may include gathering anonymized data on education, taxation, population and Social Security. It can also be achieved through the development of longitudinal relevant research, enabling competent public bodies of each country to link (anonymous) data from various sources and create a more comprehensive picture of graduates' progress. The follow-up of graduates is also conducted by comparing alumni data or specific categories of graduates between two consecutive points in time, which are collected through administrative procedures (student register) or surveys.

Through the process of tracking, vital information is provided to educational institutions, teachers, and students themselves, aiding in the continuous improvement of curricula and the educational process, as well as in their alignment with the needs of the labour market.

The need to track graduates has been emphasized by the European Union, as graduate follow-up is an integral part of its strategic decisions. Specifically, in alignment with the Council of the European Union's recommendation on graduate monitoring (2017/C 423/01), member states are encouraged to enhance the availability and quality of data regarding graduates' activities and to establish systems for monitoring their progress at both professional and academic levels. Within this context, numerous actions and initiatives have been promoted at both the European and domestic levels.

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Graduate Tracking